Hybrid Setup

Main conference

The keynotes and paper presentations will be live streamed by a professional AV team. Remote presenters will be asked to give a live talk over Zoom (and also supply a recording that may be used as a backup in case of connection issues).

Both in-person and remote participants will be using the same system (Dory) for posting questions during the talks. The link to the Dory of each session will be available from the conference website.

Questions may be posted with name or anonymously and will be visible to all participants, who can vote on them. During the Q&A part, the session chair will look at the highest-voted questions and decide which of those to ask the presenter. The remaining questions may be answered by the presenter after the talk.

Poster and demo presentations happen at the same time for both in-person and remote presenters. For remote presenters their posters will be printed and hanged by the conference organizers. Each remote poster will be assigned a dedicated time slot, during which participants can interact with the remote presenter via Zoom. In addition to the above, asynchronous communication will also be facilitated by having a Dory for each poster.

There will be a remote sponsor room, where participants can interact with sponsors during designated times. Additionally, there will be a dedicated Zoom room set up for social chat.

All of these Zoom rooms will have a physical counterpart at the conference venue, that is, dedicated rooms for poster/demo presentations, for sponsors, and for social chat.

Workshops, tutorials, industry day, doctoral consortium

These events will be live streamed using portable Zoom equipment.

It is left to the individual events whether to follow the setup of the main conference or implement their own preferred solution.